
中正大學中國文學研究所研究生論文集刊 THCI

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篇名 楚系簡帛文字中的心字贅旁析論
卷期 16
並列篇名 The analysis of redundant symbol about 心 on Chu Bamboo slips and silk.
作者 陳厚任
頁次 033-056
關鍵字 楚系簡牘帛書金文贅旁飾筆Chu DepartmentBamboo SlipsSilk BookInscriptionsSuperfluous componentsDecorative stroke indexTHCI
出刊日期 201406


在檢視以竹簡、木牘、縑帛作為書寫材料的戰國楚系文字時,可發現書手書寫時會在文字的原本構形上增添筆畫或是部件的情形,但其不影響字義。已有前輩學者將這類常見的符號整理出來,並將其解讀為無意義的裝飾筆畫或符號,並皆以為其是出於美化、裝飾目的,故其有:飾筆、羨符、贅筆、羨畫、.飾、裝飾符號等名稱。 筆者參考前輩學者之說,將其中的無意義部件定名為「贅旁」,並認為其確實與字義無關,但其於文字演變過程中的意涵仍未見較全面性的探討。先秦戰國時期,書寫載體多為銅器及簡牘縑帛,此時文字書寫也經長時期的演進,由圖形化漸轉而線條化、繁飾及簡化互作,這是文字書寫轉變的一個重要環節,而戰國時期正處於文字書寫習慣轉變的過渡時期,那麼書寫時增加這類多餘部件,是舊時書寫的習慣延續或是有其用意?本文擬就以出土數量多於其他系別且發展有其特色之楚系簡帛文字作為研究範圍,以心字贅旁作為初步的討論題材,試著歸納出贅旁使用的情形。


In view with bamboo ,wooden slips, silk as a writing material Chu Department of text, we can find that will add or circumstances stroke component in the text of the original configuration of the hand when writing the book, but it does not affect the meaning of words. Senior scholars have added symbols common nonsense sorted out, and interpreted as meaningless decoration strokes or symbols, and tailor their out landscaping, decorative purposes, so it has: decorative pen, envy character, superfluous pen , Superfluous character painting Symbols Decoration, decorative symbols and other Headings. The author says senior scholars of reference, which will be called insignificant part "beside superfluous" and said that it really has nothing to do with the meaning of words, but the meaning behind it yet to see more comprehensive discussion. Qin Warring States period, writing mostly bronze carrier fine silk and bamboo slips, this time writing on it after a long period of evolution, gradually turn the line of the graphic, numerous ornaments and simplify interaction, which is an important change in the text written link, and is in a transitional period of the Warring States period text writing habits change, then increase the time to write such a superfluous part, is a continuation of the old habit of writing or have the intention? This paper intends to do unearthed quantities than any other department and development department has its own characteristics Chu Bamboosilk text as a study area, next to 「心」With the superfluous part as a preliminary discussion theme, try to sum up the case next to the superfluous use.
