
中正大學中國文學研究所研究生論文集刊 THCI

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篇名 論木魚書《第六才子西廂記》的改編與特色
卷期 16
並列篇名 The adaptations and features The Sixth of the Eleven Caizi Muyu Shu, The Romance of West Chamber
作者 陳志豪
頁次 071-092
關鍵字 木魚書西廂記改編才子書Muyu ShuCaizi ShuThe Romance of West ChamberadaptationsTHCI
出刊日期 201406




Muyu Shu, The Romance of West Chamber is one of the Eleven Caizi Muyu Shu. Appreciated by both nobles and general public, scholar Ren,Bai Qiang claims Muyu Shu, The Romance of West Chamber to be the best of Canton Qu. This paper literally analyzes is context, and compares it with other adaptations of The Romance of West Chamber such as Zaju and Chuanqi. Through the comparison of slang language used, descriptions of characters and the edit between different adaptations, this paper reviews the special features of Muyu Shu, The Romance of West Chamber that can be praised across different classes.
