
教育政策論壇 TSSCI

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篇名 我國大型文教基金會財務運作之研究
卷期 18:3
並列篇名 A Study of the Financial Operations of Large-Scale Educational Foundations in Taiwan
作者 宋秋儀黃月麗
頁次 105-139
關鍵字 文教基金會社會企業財務運作責信educational foundationsocial enterprisefinancial operationaccountabilityTSSCI
出刊日期 201508
DOI 10.3966/156082982015081803004




The present study used the descriptive statistics and the focal group interviews to analyze, in the 54 large-scale educational foundations supervised by the Ministry of Education of Taiwan, their financial make-up as well as the differences in the financial operations of the different types of foundations. In addition, the present study discussed the tendency of the social enterprises. The main findings of this research are as follows: The enterprise-type of foundation outnumbers and outperforms the other types of foundations, with its sales revenue and labor service revenue increasing year by year. About 37% of the large-scale foundations have more than half of their annual income from social enterprise. The enterprise-type foundations have the highest degree of mixing social enterprise. The religion-type foundations still rely on donations as their main source of income. In 2010-2012, educational foundations, including both enterprise-type and religion-type, had increasing gains from investment. Government subsidy and earned interest are no longer the main sources of income for large-scale educational foundations as they account for less than 3% of annual revenues. Few educational foundations disclose their financial information; accountability of the foundations needs to be increased. In conclusion, the study proposed that educational foundations should disclose their financial information properly, tap new sources of revenues, develop strategic alliance, and establish partnership.
