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篇名 在中界之處打造性自我:論雙性戀認同與情慾實踐
卷期 56
並列篇名 Crafting a Sexual Self in the Middle Ground: On Bisexual Identity and Bisexuality
作者 陳素秋
頁次 001-052
關鍵字 雙性情慾性認同藩籬知識論異同邏輯BisexualitySexual IdentityEpistemology of FenceHetero/ Homo LogicMEDLINETSSCI
出刊日期 201506




Bisexual theorists point out that bisexuality occupies the position of a “middle ground.” This paper analyzes the social context of this so-called “middle ground” in Taiwan and explores how self-identified Taiwanese bisexuals forge their sexual identity and perform bisexuality. This article contends that: (1) gay and lesbian subcultural groups function as a significant referential in the construction of bisexual identity, driven by Giddens’ so-called reflexive project of the self in modernity; (2) the intertwined relationship of cooperation and competition between bisexuals and homosexuals in the LGBT movement in Taiwan makes the term “Tongzhi” of double meaning, becoming a more desirable identity but forging “queer” as a less desirable label; and (3) although the bisexuals interviewed for this research emphasize they are sexually attracted to either gender or neglect gender, gender still frames their bisexuality by setting up patterns of performing gender in interactions and impinging upon certain meanings of the body.
