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篇名 照顧子女的代價:母職對臺灣女性薪資影響的貫時性分析
卷期 56
並列篇名 Cost of Childcare: A Panel Study on the Effect of Motherhood on Wages of Taiwanese Women
作者 許碧純邱皓政
頁次 053-113
關鍵字 薪資差距母職子女照顧階層線性模式華人家庭動態資 料庫wage gapmotherhoodchildcarehierarchical linear modelingPanel Study of Family DynamicsMEDLINETSSCI
出刊日期 201506




The phenomenon of motherhood wage penalty exists in different women. Also, it may appear in different stages of the career of a woman. The present study employs hierarchical linear modeling to analyze 1,484 women and 7,503 observations selected from 2000-2011 Panel Study of Family Dynamics. Results show that, after controlling the effects of human capital, working condition, and family structure and family resources, a wage penalty of 1.5 and 2.1 percent per child is reported for Taiwanese women in terms of within-individual trajectory changes and between-individual comparisons, respectively. Results also reveal that human capital is the primary factor that explains motherhood wage penalty. Work characteristics and family resources also have significant effects on the wages of Taiwanese women. As regards the analysis of panel data, the findings indicate that the statistical method of hierarchical linear modeling is better than Ordinary Least-Square regression and fixed-effects regression.
