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篇名 修養、位移與大迴路:本土行動理論的三種路徑
卷期 56
並列篇名 Self-cultivation, Displacement and Great Circuit: Three Approaches toward Local Action Theory
作者 王志弘
頁次 151-183
關鍵字 結構施為行動結構能力批判實在論StructureAgencyActionStructural CapacityCritical RealismMEDLINETSSCI
出刊日期 201506




The author discusses three attempts at establishing a general social theory: Chi-Jeng Yeh’s cultivated introspection based on knowledge sociology, Wen-yuan Lin’s drift ontology and displacement action, and Gwo-Shyong Shieh’s great circuit model. All three are based on critiques of structure-agency dualism. Each researcher has adopted a position prone to agency autonomy and active mediation, while abandoning the ossified structure concept. They describe structure in terms of multi-layered and dynamic processes and relationships. In contrast, I use a critical realist perspective to argue that excessive preference for action and a non-substantive structural concept, as well as the elimination of structure-agency dualism, might result in overlooking inertia and the latent force of a structure, thus leading to structure under-theorization. Accordingly, a dualistic structureagency perspective of critical realism still offers a viable alternative.
