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篇名 圖書館組織結構之研究
卷期 10
作者 盧秀菊
頁次 001-040
出刊日期 199512




This paper is to study the library organization, the library organizational structure, as well as the library services and library organizational structure. Also studied are the changes and innovations already made by the library under the influence of modern science and technology, and the application of information technology. This paper concludes that the design of library organizational structure is based on the idea of providing best services to library users. Due to the application of information technology, library has made some changes and innovations m the areas of public services, technical services, and collection management for its organizational structure in the past two or three decades, Once the predicted electronic library and virtual library are coming into existence in the near future, the library organizational structure will be changed greatly. As for how the library organizational structure will be changed in order to meet the needs of information society is a topic not studied in this paper right now. It needs to be further studied by all library scholars and specialists, including me.

