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篇名 終端使用者之停頓行為分析
卷期 10
作者 黃慕萱
頁次 051-083
出刊日期 199512


本研究將探討終端使用者之線上停頓行為。透過教師和館員介紹及張貼公佈欄的方式,總共招募了44位檢索者,其中的位為學生,4位為教職員。這些終端使用者在接 受檢碧空訓練後,一整個學期中總共作了79次檢索。車直由檢索後的訪談中,總共找出了250種停頓原因。這些停頓行為最常發生在「建立與發展檢索組」及「顯示和列印資料」的功能和指令上。若以要素來分析停頓行為發生的位置,最常發正主停頓行為的位置 為,選擇詢彙的指令、詢彙、檢索組號碼、邏輯運算元、括弧、顯示列印格式及顯示列 印的範園等。此外,當檢索者之檢索經驗增多後,他們的停頓次數會減少,停頓時間 會縮短,猶豫程度也將降低。同時,他們可以在線上記憶組織較多的資訊,而且他們 在線土所犯和譜法有關的錯誤也會逐漸減少。


This research used an information processing approach to analyze the behavior of end-users in searching online bibliographic databases, emphasizing their pausing behavior. It is based on viewing the search as a series of actions and pauses ( rests ) The end-users are 40 students and 4 faculty. After instruction, subjects searched throughout the semester, doing 79 searches. From interviewing data, 250 different kinds of pauses were identified. Most of the pauses occurred in the function of ''create and develop sets" and "print records'', in the moves of "select steps'', "display" and "type'', and in the elements of lssumg’,SS’, commands, sclectmg terms, making sure of the set number ( for both "ss" and "print’,) , solving logical problems ( especially when to use "and’, and parenthesis ) , and determining print format and document number for print commands Also, the resulte indicate that end-users pause less frequently and for shorter periods of time as they gain more experience and practice. In addition, searchers tend to chunk more information between pauses and their hesitation rates do decrease.

