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篇名 數位圖書館/博物館中詮釋資料之理論與實作
卷期 13
並列篇名 The Theory and Implementation for Metadata in Digital Library/Museum
作者 陳雪華陳昭珍陳光華
頁次 037-059
關鍵字 DIgItal Library/MuseumTaiwan Digital Museum ProjectMetadataInformation Organization數位圖書館/博物館詮釋資料資訊組織「數位博物館」專案計劃
出刊日期 199812




Digital Libraries and Museums (DL/M) have become one of the important research issues of Library and Information Science as well as other related fields.τbis paper descnbes the bastmncepts of DL/M and bnefly Introduces the development of j Taiwan Digital Museum Project. Based on the features of various collections, we discuss how to maintain, to manage and to exchange metadata, especially from the view-point of users. We propose the draft of metadata, MICI (Metactata Interchange for Chinese Information) , developed by ROSS (Resources Organizlltion and Searching Specification) team. Finally, current problems and future development of metadata will be touched.
