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篇名 我國受刑人權益救濟途經之探討
卷期 4:2
並列篇名 The Exploration of Inmates' Judicial Relief Process in Taiwan
作者 連鴻榮
頁次 108-138
出刊日期 201507


鑒於全球對人權保障之重視,復因司法院大法官會議針對監獄行刑相關議 題分別作出解釋,受刑人不再是特別權力關係理論下之行刑客體,而是具有主 體地位之行刑參與者。問此,取長各閻優點,並將各國變遷歷程之經驗,納入 修法考量,誠屬必要之作為。 目前主管機關刻正研擬「羈押法修正草業J 及「監獄行刑法修正草案」’ 期藉完善且周延之立法,使受刑人相關權益獲得更周全之保障,以符世界崇尚 人權之思潮。本研究主要蒐集美國、臼本及德國受刑人救濟途徑變遷之歷程及 現況,並比較分析各國規範之異同,以作為我國規範受刑人救濟途徑法制作業 之參考。 為確保國家刑罰執行之妥適執行及刑事司法體系之有效運行,本研究認未 來修法方向宜按「監獄行刑J 所涉事務之本質,明確規範受刑人得提起救濟之 途徑,建議如下: 一、單純涉及刑之執行事務:採刑事訴訟救濟程序。 二、單純涉及監獄管理事務:採申訴再申訴救濟程序。 三、涉及監獄管理事務且攸關憲法保障權利:採行政訴訟救濟程序。


With the protection of human right has been an imp01iant role over the world and the prison issues are also interpreted by the Justices of the Constitutional courts of Judicial Yuan, prisoners will no longer be the object status under the theory of Special Power Relation, but become the subject status of participants in criminal justice system. Therefore, it is necessary to take foreign countries experiences of this changing process into account while enacting the revised prison legislations in Taiwan. To maintain inmates' right more thoroughly and completely and comply with the thought of human right of the world, the Ministry of Justice is now enacting the revised drafts of Detention Act and Prison Act immediately. This study has analyzed the developmental process of inmates' judicial relief and compared the similarities and dissimilarities among USA, Japan and Ge1many, by doing so, these comparisons will help us enact inmates' judicial relief efficiently and coherently. To ensure penal penalty and criminal justice system could be implemented appropriately and efficiently, the ways of enacting revised drafts of Detention Act and Prison Act should focus on prison affairs essentially, and prisoners' judicial relief also need to be suggested explicitly. The followings are three judicial relief processes recommended: 1. Affairs only related to the term of imprisonment are adopted by Criminal Procedure. 2. Affairs only related to prison administration affairs are adopted by complaint and re-complaint. 3. Affairs related to prison administration affairs and rights that are protected by Constitution are adopted by administrative litigation procedure.

