
產業與管理論壇 TSSCI

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篇名 融入商業模式觀點之產品服務系統設計
卷期 16:3
並列篇名 Employing the Business Model Concept to Support the Design of Product-Service System
作者 林榮禾陳哲堯莊淳淩邱求慧
頁次 044-077
關鍵字 產品服務系統商業模式製造業服務化product-service systembusiness modelservitizationTSSCI
出刊日期 201409




In an era of global competition, “servitization” becomes a field that the manufacturing industry actively engages itself to. A number of companies with productbased operations are actively transforming to companies with service-based operations to gain competitive advantage. Although the existing literature indicates that the business model concept can be useful to implement product-service systems (PSS), later researchers have continued developing projects that have helped to increase awareness on the topic and to advance the existing limited knowledge on this phenomenon. There is still a paucity of guidelines to assist manufacturing firms in this respect. Therefore, this paper proposes a framework to support the design of PSS employing the business model concept. This framework was developed based on literature review and intends to guide the company on the analysis of their business model, on the choice of the appropriate type of PSS and on the definition of their PSS characteristics. The research methods included descriptive multiple-cases study, in-depth interviews, workshops, participation in the guidance of servitization for the case company, and surveyed the opinions of the management on servitization. The purposes were to understand the logic of how servitization is promoted in the manufacturing industry, discuss the cultivation of service innovation concept and content from the changes of business model, and compare multiple cases to make the research conclusions more solid, convincing, and applicable to more cases. This study also identified the similar or dissimilar patterns of these cases, in order to clarify the actual scenarios and contexts. The findings can provide a reference for the manufacturing industry in Taiwan in terms of the product-service systems development.
