
產業與管理論壇 TSSCI

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篇名 國際創新創業發展模式對台灣之啟示
卷期 16:4
並列篇名 The Trends of International Innovation and Entrepreneurship Implications to Taiwan
作者 郭育仁嚴萬璋
頁次 004-027
關鍵字 育成加速器國際創新創業創業投資incubation acceleratorinternational innovation entrepreneurshipventure capitalTSSCI
出刊日期 201412


全球化創造目前國際創新創業的三大 趨勢,包含產業快速變革與創新體系的建 構、矽谷創業風潮驅動全球創業發展,以 及育成加速器的興起。本研究透過國際園 區創業育成趨勢與主要國家推動創業育成 政策,歸納國際創新創業的三大模式:(1) 新加坡與以色列的政府引導發展模式:政 府成立早期風險基金,配對投資新創事 業、天使投資人的租稅抵減、政府成立育 成加速公司,以及吸引國外育成中心進 駐;(2)美國矽谷的自由市場主導創投基金 模式:鼓勵產學研發成果、建構全美國最 重要的創業投資群聚(創投投資每年超過 60 億美元),並組成創投經營的育成加速 器公司;(3)英國劍橋科學園以大學為中心的產學合作模式:劍橋企業協助技術移轉及推動新創事業、劍橋大學創業中心提供創業者與企業家一個學習交流的環境。台灣目前正面臨產業與經濟結構轉型的關鍵時刻,應積極借鏡國際創新創業趨勢,建構產業別專屬育成加速平台,再次啟動創業投資風潮,透過新創事業來調整商業模式,進而帶動整體產業結構改造。


Three emerging trends of global innovation and entrepreneurship include rapid industrial change and the reconstruction of innovation ecosystems, the wave of Silicon Valley firms in driving global entrepreneurship development, and the establishment of incubation accelerators, etc. This study concludes three major models in promoting entrepreneurship incubation through researching the international park, entrepreneurship incubation trend, government policy, and approaches from major countries. First, the government-led development model by Singapore and Israel: the governments have established early-stage venture capital, matching investment in new ventures, angel investment with tax credit, and establishing incubation accelerators to attract foreign incubation centers. Second, free market-oriented venture capital model by the Silicon Valley of the U.S.: Silicon Valley innovation cluster has been encouraging industry-academia R&D cooperation, establishing the most important venture capital cluster (with annua l venture capital investment exceeding 6 billion USD), and creating incubation accelerators. Third, university-centric industry-academia cooperation by Cambridge Science Park of the U.K.: the science park has been promoting technology transfer between university and industry, creating venture businesses, and providing a highly interactive learning and opinion-sharing environment for entrepreneurs. Creating industrial incubation platform has become a very important international trend in deepening economic development. Taiwan now is facing the critical timing for upgrading economic and industrial structure. It is giving Taiwan the best opportunity to borrow the above experiences to ride on the current trends of global innovation and entrepreneurship to create indusa try-specified incubation accelerators, and to promote Start-Up Business, in order to reform its industrial structure as a whole.
