
產業與管理論壇 TSSCI

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篇名 從互補性與增補性探討專利收購之研究以Apple 與Samsung智慧型手機為例
卷期 16:4
並列篇名 The Study on Patent Acquisition from Complementarity and Supplementarity Evidence from Smartphones of Apple and Samsung
作者 楊明宗陳樹榮賴奎魁
頁次 028-049
關鍵字 互補性社會網絡分析專利引用專利收購增補性supplementarysocial networkpatent citationpatent acquisitioncomplementaryTSSCI
出刊日期 201412


本研究旨在探討智慧型手機廠商在專 利訴訟期間進行專利收購之動態競爭下的 策略意圖。本研究利用專利網絡引用分析 方法,從增補性與互補性的觀點,透過領 導者Apple 與跟隨者Samsung 兩者專利收購 轉讓前、後的分析,理解專利布局與專利 組合的變化。同時,利用專利指標,偵測 廠商在專利收購前、後,技術位置與角色 功能的移動、技術互補性/增補性的變 化。其後,探討專利訴訟發起與專利收購 回應之間的策略意圖討論。研究結果發 現,當產業中領導者與跟隨者的合作是一 種技術增補性的代工關係,受市場共同性的競爭,雙方產生專利訴訟時,領導者與跟隨者在技術上會進行「去對方化」,領導者會強化自身專利組合,進行技術增補性的專利購併策略;跟隨者則朝向不同方向進行專利布局,並發展技術互補性的專利購併策略。


This study tries to figure out the strategy of patent acquisition against infringe litigation between rival companies of smartphone under dynamic competition. Patent citation network analysis is used to realize the difference of patent deployment and portfolios after patent acquisition between the leader Apple and the follower Samsung from the view of supplementary and complementary. Four patent indexes provide the movement of technology position and role in the network and the change in technology supplementary/complementary. The result shows that even though the leader and follower used to cooperate in relationship of OEM with technology supplementary, they intend to “de-opponent” technically because of patent litigation after becoming rivals in the same market. The leader will acquire supplementary patent to enhance his original patent portfolios and the follower will go the other way to strengthen his patent portfolios by acquiring complementary patent.
