
產業與管理論壇 TSSCI

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篇名 台日企業合作的樞紐企業-工具機產業的個案研究
卷期 17:1
並列篇名 The Hub Enterprises of Business Alliance between Taiwan and Japan-Case Studies of Machine Tool Indus仕y
作者 劉仁傑佐藤幸人吳銀澤
頁次 004-027
關鍵字 工具機產業台日企業合作樞紐企業聯盟經濟聯盟網絡machine tool industrybusiness alliance between Taiwan and Japanhub cntetpriseseconomies of alliancealliance networkTSSCI
出刊日期 201503


2010 年以降,基於日本圍內市場景氣 低迷、因應海外新興市場需求、兩岸ECFA 生效等主客觀因素下,台日企業合作進入 了全新的階段。其中,從台日企業合資在 中國大陸設立讀點逐漸轉向在台灣輿日本 設立據點,最受囑目。做為日本企業尋求 合作平台的樞紐企業,其動態也從中團太 陸朝向台白兩地擴張。 本研究旨在監清台日企業合作過程中 樞紐企業的形成與擴張械制。我們從台日 企業合作的既有研究,理解樞紐企業的形 成,並從資源基瞳觀點與社會網絡理論提 出理論性假設,檢視台日工具機企業合作 全觀,並針對被視為樞紐企業典範的友嘉 集團與大光畏榮進行實讀研究。本研究有 四項重要的發現:第一,隨著樞紐企業的 擴張,吸引日本企業的經營資源效應可區 分為遞增型、維持型與遞減型,遞增型賀源產出聽伴愈多,則會吸引愈多夥伴的聯盟經濟,促使樞紐企業運動發展﹔第三,雙方的高度信任促使相互的積極貢獻,亦有效帶動樞紐企業的發農﹔第三,因為日本企業過度集中在某一家樞紐企業而降低效率,兼顧既有樞紐企業的活用與新興樞紐企業的育成,有助於台日企業合作之攝大﹔第四,個組企業只存在民台灣企業,有效吸收了日本商社功能。本研究的分析與發現,兼具理論與實務意涵。


Since 2010, due to the depression of Japan domestic economic, the demand of overseas emerging markets and the commencement of ECFA between Taiwan and Mainland China, business alliance between Taiwan and Japan entered a new century. The most focus is that the location of Taiwan-Japan joint venture has been gradually switched from China to Taiwan and Japan. Japanese companies seek cooperation as a hub for enterprise platform, also expand from mainland China towards Taiwan and Japan. The purpose of this study is to clarify the form and expansion mechanism of the hub enterprise during the process of cooperation between Taiwanese and Japanese enterprise. Based on existing research ofbusiness alliance between Taiwan and Japan to understand the formation of hub enterprises, we propose the theoretical hypothesis to examine the corporate hub which is based on resource-based view and social network theory. We got the identification on Fair Friend Group and Palmary and made four important findings. First, with the expansion of cooperative enterprise, management resources can be divided into increasing, keeping and decreasing types. Increasing- type resources produce economies of alliance, which means the more partners a company is allied with, the more easily it can be allied with a new partner. Second, solid trust can promote mutual contributions and commitments to the alliance, bringing in larger outcomes. Third, taking into account that decreasing-type resources reduces efficiency of hubs, combining the utilization of existing hub with the incuba-tion of emerging hub business helps the entire industry alliance to expand. Forth, hub enterprises only appear in Taiwan and absorb the function of Japanese Shosha (trading company). Such analysis has implications for both theory and practice.
