
產業與管理論壇 TSSCI

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篇名 以「文化資本」概念對文化創意產業經理人之研究
卷期 17:1
並列篇名 Discussion on the Managers of Cultural and Creative Industries from the Concept of "Cultural Capital"
作者 廖世璋
頁次 048-079
關鍵字 內化形式文化創意產業經理人文化資本外化形式制度化形式embodied statecultural and creative industries managercultural capitalobjectified stateinstitutionalized stateTSSCI
出刊日期 201503


本研究首先觀察圍內文化創意產業在 政府過去10 年的大力推動下,一直無法大 幅提升的問題。不同於其他產業,文創產 業更重視人才在產業中的貢獻,因此,本 研究分析文副產業相關人才的就業、供 需、產黨分工及專業領域等觀題,並進一 步訪談12 位圍內產黨、政府、學界等各領 域的重要人士,再深入分析相關成功個 案。最後,引用Bourdieu 「文化資本」理論 做為架構,提出人才的因應對策。2013 年 才剛結東「文創產業第二期」(2008~ 2013 年)國家重大發展計畫,本研究希望中央 政府在研訂下一個國家重大政策與計置,或教育機構及民間企業在人才培育時,能培育更多「文創產業經理人」,同時也希重政府能建立此經理人的相關制度,讓台灣文副產業未來能有更好的贊展口


This study first reviewed the development of the cultural and creative industries in Taiwan. Over the past ten years of aggressive promotion by the government, the cultural and creative industries did not experience a significant growth. The cultural creative industries have features that are different from other industries, thus deserve more attention on the contributions of the talents in the industry. Hence, this study analyzes the employment situation, supply and demand of talents, division of labor, and professional fields of the cultural and creative industries. It then interviews 12 important persons from the industry, government sector, and academia. Further analysis of the successful cases is conducted. Finally, it draws Bourdieu's cultural capital theory as the research structure to propose coping strategies on the talents in the cultural and creative industries. The Second Phase of the Cultural and Creative Industries (2008-2013) in the National Development Plan was ended in 2013. This study expects that more cultural and creative managers can be cultivated in the next major national plan of the government or by educational institutes and private sectors. It is also hoped that the government can establish manager system for the cultural and creative industries, in order to promote the development of the industries in Taiwan.
