
產業與管理論壇 TSSCI

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篇名 進入新興市場的策略研究-以台灣工具機廠商進入印尼為例
卷期 17:1
並列篇名 Study of Emerging Market Entry Strategy - A Case of Using Taiwan Machine Tool Manufacturer's Entry into the Indonesian Market
作者 江素雲
頁次 080-099
關鍵字 工具機市場區隔汽機車策略競爭machine toolsmarket segmentationautomobile and motorcyclestrategycompetitionTSSCI
出刊日期 201503


近10 多年來,中國大陸經濟發農迅 速,透過模仿台灣經驗,中國大陸工具機 產業快速累積成員,目前供應鏈儼然形 成,轉變為台灣工具機業者之強烈競爭對 手﹔另一方面,中團太陸勞工成本大幅攀 升,讀台灣工具機產黨面臨經營的困境。 在此之際,東南亞國協在2013 年正式展開 區域全面性經濟夥伴隨定談判,將形成全 球規模最大的自由貿易瞌定,尤其凹尼是 東南E 最大的經濟體,其潛在聞機相當庸 大。 印尼汽機車產業占該國整體產黨的 50% ,為工具機最大的應用領域,近年其汽機車量曼旺盛需求影響呈現不斷攀升,汽機車設備的供應因而成為台灣工具機進入的機會。本研究嘗試透過固顧台灣工具機贊厲的歷史、分析台灣工具機的優劣勢、凹尼工具機市場需求及區隔,思考進入印尼市場之選擇,以及如何摸定策略以掌捏印尼工具機市場商棚。


Over the past decade, Mainland China's economy has developed rapidly. By emulating Taiwan's experience, Mainland China's machine tool industry has been fast accumulated growths. Its supply chain has been firmly established and it has transformed into one ofthe fiercest competitors for the Taiwan machine tool business operators. On the other side, Mainland China's labor costs have risen sharply, causing Taiwan's machine tool industry to face difficulty in its business operation. At this juncture, the Association of the Southeast Asian Nations officially started talks of a Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) in 2013. It would become the largest scale free trade partnership in the world. As Indonesia is the biggest economy in South East Asia, the potential business opportunity is enormous. Indonesia's automobile and motorcycle industry accounts for 50% of the country's overall industries and it is one of the fields with biggest application of machine tools. In recent years, the quantity of its automobiles and motorcycles has seen continuous rise due to the strong demand. The supply of automobile and motorcycle equipment is an opportunity for Taiwan's machine tools to enter the market. This article, through a retrospection of Taiwan machine tools' development history, a view of Taiwan machine tools' strengths and weaknesses, an analysis of Indonesian machine tool market demand and segmentation, attempts to reflect choices of entering the Indonesian market and how to develop strategies to grasp business opportunities in the Indonesian machine tool market.
