
社會政策與社會工作學刊 TSSCI

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篇名 障礙的鑑定與再分配政治:以大臺北地區的「殘障」停車位爭議為例
卷期 19:1
並列篇名 The Politics of Disability Classification and Redistribution Justice: A Case Study of Accessible Parking in Greater Taipei A
作者 張恒豪
頁次 093-140
關鍵字 國際健康功能與障礙分類殘障停車位需求差異政治再分配International Classification of Functioning Health and Disability disability parkingneedspolitics of differenceredistributionTSSCI
出刊日期 201506


空間配置是政治的。臺灣的「殘障」(無障礙)停車位使用問題 在近年來引起許多爭議。一方面在過去慈善醫療模式主導的身心障礙 認定體制之下,任何障別都可以申請殘障停車證。使得無障礙停車 位常常被持證卻沒有行動不便的使用者佔用。二方面媒體也常報導濫 印、盜用或是轉賣無障礙停車證的問題。理論上,在身心障礙者權益 保障法修改後,以國際健康功能與障礙(ICF)分類架構為基礎,將 朝著以行動不便的障礙者為發放對象。然而,國家體制與公民團體對 如何定義「行動不便」仍然沒有共識。在新的分類制度下,障礙的差 異與資源分配該如何處理更是值得進一步探討的議題。 本研究企圖進一步分析在法律規範外,無障礙停車位的使用狀 況、管理與社會認知。試圖回答到底誰停了無障礙停車位?國家官僚 體制如何管制無障礙停車位?停車場管理者如何看待、規範無障礙停 車位的使用?停在無障礙停車位的使用者又如何認識無障礙停車位使 用的分配正義?本研究透過多元方法檢視無障礙停車位的使用狀況。 首先,選擇忙碌的停車場,觀察無障礙停車位的使用情形。再來,透 過問卷訪談把車停在無障礙停車位的使用者,了解其身體功能與無障 礙停車位使用狀況。同時,深入訪談停車管理者對無障礙停車位的實 際管理方式,並分析身心障礙公民團體在參與臺北市政府更改無障礙 停車位收費政策的政治過程。最後,在臺灣號稱使用ICF 分類制度來 認定障礙者的需求時,本研究希望透過無障礙停車位的使用情形與國 家管制模式,進一步探討在新的分類體制邏輯之下,臺灣的國家體制 如何面對障礙者的差異以及慈善模式與權利模式在公共資源分配上的 衝突。


The qualification of disability parking space is politicalized because of recent reform of official disability qualification system. On the one hand, under the charity-medical mode of the old qualification system, all people with disabilities are qualified for disability parking permits, no matter they have mobility disability or not. It appeared that disability parking spaces were often occupied by people who did not need the accessible parking space. On the other hand, in the media, we can see the news of fake disability parking permit or people sell the permit. In theory, both the government official and the disability right advocators believe that when the Taiwanese government adapted the new disability classification system, International Classification of Functioning, Health and Disability (ICF), the permit will only issue to people with mobility disabilities. However, there is no agreement to define “mobility disability.” In addition, under the new classification system, there is no serious discussion on the redistribution of resources to people with different disabilities. This paper uses multiple methods to explore the politics of disability parking space, including analyzing the documents of disability parking space, observing the management of disability parking space, and survey on the users’ experiences. This research shows the change of qualification system alone cannot prohibit the displacement of disability parking space. The politics of disability parking space reflects the conflict between charity-medical model and social model to disability. The policy makers should reconsider the disability policy seriously and utilize the new opportunity of the new classification system to address the redistribution justice in disability welfare.
