
產業與管理論壇 TSSCI

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篇名 全球化思維的領導與決策
卷期 11:1
並列篇名 The Leadership and Policy-making with Thinking of Globalization
作者 楊志誠
頁次 008-037
關鍵字 全球化典範轉移量子組織策略經營單元globalizationparadigm shiftingquantum organizationsstrategic business unitTSSCI
出刊日期 200903




In the 21 !1! cenry globa1ization is ctainly a process. Encountering the impact of globalization, one may discovthat all kinds of structur, including govemmental, social, commcial and multi-national organi,tions etc., have to conorg﹒ ional sformation at evlevel in order to ust to it. Under ,e crrcumsces, tradional ganization style with hierarchy .d even the style of flat E,1Z﹒ on are no longer suitable ai.eoons' objectives dovl'come challenges. And once an organization is restructured, all of its functions,cluding lead,“mmlson .d decision-manghaveωchae as well. Globalization is an objectively existing process, phenomenon or result, while the ng of globalization is a subjective perception, insight d response to this process. Thus it is rough ,e establishment of a globalizat people would be able ωgain a positive and correct understanding of globaliza, and to seriously plan the “adaptive policy"'r an individual and the society. The paper would frrst look inωthe specifics ofthe "meta-obalization".τ'hen it explores the issue ofthe orgaonal transformation under the globalization mentali which must take place as a resnse e globalization processes.τ'herefore, the secondpofthe paper will make a deanalysis of ismer.τ'he following problem goes beyond the objective strucres and is related to the fact that the compe veness gains its UIing force d hes its goal only rough the efforts of people. Thus, the ird part ofthis paper addresses the topic ofleadership and policyma ng. The last part of the paper is a conclusion which provides an overall surnmy of the previously discussed issues and deduces a model for leaders and policy makS as how to respond to .e globalization.
