
產業與管理論壇 TSSCI

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篇名 模組型產品創新策略矩陣之研究以數值控制工具機創新演化為例
卷期 12:3
並列篇名 A Research on the Innovation Strategy Matrix for Modular Product Design based on Innovation Evolution of Machine Tools
作者 邱瑞淙徐作聖
頁次 008-023
關鍵字 創新策略矩陣數值控制工具機模組型產品innovation strategy matrixmachine toolsmodularityTSSCI
出刊日期 201009




How a product development decision maker considers the strategy of product innovation systematically and efficiently plays an important role in product design. By this research, it deduces an innovation strategymatrix for modular product design, formation of incremental, modular, architectural and radical innovation. Further more, it verifies this model from a study on evolution of machine tools. Incremental and modular innovation is to be applicable to subsystem (module) level, on the other hand, architectural and radical innovation is to be evolved to the system (product) level. An innovation development can also be seen as a foundation of structural knowledge by cored component knowledge whether variation happening or not to categorize different kinds of innovation strategy scenario, which is designed to become engineering improvement, product line extension, market extension, diversification according to the various types of innovation development.
