
產業與管理論壇 TSSCI

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篇名 應用服務體驗工程方法於銀髮族家事服務系統設計
卷期 12:4
並列篇名 Developing a SEE-based Housework Service System for Senior
作者 王熙哲林曉琪
頁次 036-053
關鍵字 服務設計服務體驗工程家事服務銀髮族service designservice experience engineeringhousework serviceseniorTSSCI
出刊日期 201012


由於生活水準提高與醫療衛生進步, 使得人類平均壽命不斷延長,台灣早已於 1993 年正式邁入高齡化社會。受到文化及 經濟因素的影響,獨居或老年夫妻同住的 居住型態已逐漸成為趨勢,因此,銀髮族 的日常生活照護,將成為未來居家照護產 業中最重要的一環。家事服務是所有居家 照護服務中使用頻率最高的類型,顯見家 事服務在銀髮族居家照護需求的重要性, 因此,本研究以家事服務中的烹煮行為為研究標的,利用服務體驗工程方法,從不同角度瞭解家事服務的供給及需求狀況,進而發展出創新且符合銀髮族需求的家事服務模型,以達到銀髮族自立生活的目標。


The purpose of this study is to design an innovative housework service system. The high rising living standards and advances in medical care have eventually increased the longevity of the Taiwanese population. Living alone or living with spouse only become the most concerning topic for arranging elderly people’s life in the future. Therefore, housework service becomes more and more popular for elderly people. This study used the service experience engineering (SEE) approach to find out the gap of housework service and design an innovative housework service model. Participants, ten older adults and three enterprises, were invited in this research. The Service Quality Function Deployment (Service QFD) was developed as result of this study.
