
產業與管理論壇 TSSCI

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篇名 農戶人際關係網絡結構與農產品通路行為以契約型農產品通路為背景
卷期 12:3
並列篇名 The Farmers’ Personal Relationship Network Structure and the Channel Behaviors: A Study on the Contractual Channel of the Agricultural Products
作者 張闖徐健夏春玉
頁次 024-041
關鍵字 通路滿意通路衝突通路權力網絡中心性網絡密度channel satisfactionchannel conflictchannel powernetwork centralitynetwork densityTSSCI
出刊日期 201009




The authors introduce network density and network centrality from the social network theory to the channel power research, and test the impact of these two constructs on the company’s use of power, channel conflict and channel satisfaction in the contractual channel of agricultural products. The empirical research shows that network density of the farmers’ personal relationship network negatively influence the use of coercive power and positively influence the use of noncoercive power and farmers’ satisfaction; the network centrality of the farmer has negative impact on the satisfaction. The authors discuss the theoretical contribution and managerial implication of these findings, and suggest the future research directions.
