
產業與管理論壇 TSSCI

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篇名 雙星球鞋分兵突圍策略之成與敗一個「中國人關係圈」理論之詮釋
卷期 11:1
並列篇名 The Success and Failure of Reward System in Doublestar Group Corporation
作者 羅家德孫瑜
頁次 038-051
關鍵字 承包制差序格局網絡式組 織激勵關係網絡Internal SubcontractingThe Circle of Differential OrdersNetwork Form of OrganizationMotivationSocial NetworkTSSCI
出刊日期 200903




Doublestar Group Corporation once was a state-owned company with low efficiency and bad management system. In 1983, this company employed an internal subcontracting system to reward those employees with high management capacity. In this system, the company subcontracted the brandname and province subsidaries to the trustworthy managers, who in general had good personal relationship with the CEO of Doublestar Group Corporation. This reward system was so successful that Doublestar turned to be the most famous local brandname in the Mainland China. However, following the failure of establishing new governance machanisms, the good personal relationship among the subsidaries’ heads and the CEO also broke up. Eventually, the company fell into pieces. This paper proposes the Chinese Guanxi Circle Theory to explain why the internal subcontracting system is the best reward machanism in the Mainland China. A Chinese tends to use ego-centered trust network to build up a “pseudo-family”, mobilize this “pseudo-family” to achieve his personal goal, and share all rewards with in-group members to maintain his/her status as a leader. So, to let a Chinese build up his/her “pseudo-family” is the best reward for him/her. However, the reward mechanism of this sort in general needs strong personal trust among subsidaries’s heads and CEO, and the breakup of personal relationship often results in the failure of governance mechanism. The case of Doublestar is the best evidence of this theory.
