
產業與管理論壇 TSSCI

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篇名 變動快速的太陽光電市場下台灣產業的發展方向
卷期 13:1
並列篇名 The Development Direction of Taiwanese Photovoltaic Industry under the Dramatic Market Changing
作者 王孟傑
頁次 066-086
關鍵字 太陽光電固定費率電力躉購制度矽晶太陽光電模組金融海嘯薄膜太陽光電模組photovoltaicfeed-in tariffcrystalline silicon PV modulefinancial crisisthin film PV moduleTSSCI
出刊日期 201103


太陽光電技術發展已逾30 年,但自 2000 年後,因綠色環保的風潮帶動與各國 實施再生能源固定費率躉購電力制度的推 動,太陽光電產業已成為二十一世紀以來 成長最快速的新興產業。然而,由於躉購 電力制度需要耗費相當的財政資源,加上 2008 年金融海嘯的影響下,使得各國開始 積極檢討綠色政策,太陽光電產業也因明 顯的大環境改變(如中國大陸產業的崛 起、歐美日廠商的產能外移及新的營運模 式產生等),而充滿了戲劇性的變化。 台灣太陽光電產業延續過去高科技製 造業與中小企業的經營模式,創造了相當 高的產值與技術能量,然而在這個變動快 速的產業環境下,不僅面臨技術快速更 新、成本持續下跌,以及中國大陸迅速擴 大等挑戰,除了加速台灣產業整合與轉型外,也促使了台積電等大企業以扶持資金不足公司的名義進軍太陽光電領域。但由目前的發展態勢來看,中國大陸的龐大產能仍然是台灣發展太陽光電產業的一大威脅,未來若要能在多變的環境下求生,除了以現有技術精益求精外,發展直接面對客戶的系統整合服務業,與中國大陸分工或區隔,才能使台灣太陽光電產業繼續成長。


It has been 30 years for development of photovoltaic technologies. Since 2000 the photovoltaic industry has become the most rapidly growing business for a tide of green environment trend around the world and promotion by feed-in tariff programs for renewable energy. However, the feed-in tariff program will consume lots of financial resources that several countries start to review the green policies after the financial crisis in 2008. Therefore photovoltaic industry was induced to dramatic change, such as the rising of Chinese firms, the capacity shifting of western companies, and the invention of new business model. Taiwanese photovoltaic firms continue the business models of high-tech manufacturers and SME to create aroused revenue and technology capabilities. However, under the rapid changing environment, the challenge from technology upgrading, cost reduction and boosting of Chinese firms will make Taiwanese industry goes to integrating and transforming. Some high-tech tycoons like TSMC also entered this field by financial support for new technology developing companies. Currently, the huge production capacity of China will threat Taiwanese PV industry seriously. For survive and growth in the future, developing new technology and system integration business will be the most important work for Taiwan to differentiate with China.
