
產業與管理論壇 TSSCI

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篇名 以服務失誤觀點發展服務創新策略以中華電信ADSL維修服務為例
卷期 15:1
並列篇名 Developing Service Innovation Strategies based on a Service Failure Perspective: A Case of ADSL Repair and Maintenance Service by Chung-Hwa Telecom
作者 邱文宏林宏嘉朱立聖陳世良
頁次 066-087
關鍵字 ADSL中華電信服務失誤服務創新寬頻維修Chung-Hwa Telecomservice failureservice innovationbroadband repair and maintenanceTSSCI
出刊日期 201303


目前服務創新相關文獻中,少有以服 務失誤觀點探討服務創新領域相關之研 究。根據資訊工業策進會2011 年第四季統 計,台灣經常上網人口為1,097 萬,寬頻的 使用普及率達79.77%,其中主要的寬頻上 網方式為ADSL,本研究以中華電信進行個 案研究,以服務失誤觀點探討ADSL寬頻維 修服務失誤類型與失誤因素之關係,進而 發展服務創新策略。透過個案服務失誤、 申告與查修等五個資料庫,由5,155 筆紀錄 採系統抽樣1,088筆,資料時間含括2010 年 1~12月,區域含括全台17個區域,資料分 析以每一失誤、申告與查修為分析單元。 研究發現,失誤類型區分為使用者歸因失 誤、服務加值實體證據失誤、服務傳遞實體證據失誤、服務傳輸實體證據失誤、服務實體證據失誤、接取網路服務失誤等六類,而影響服務失誤因素包含客戶屬性(客戶等級、區域、密集度)、設備屬性(設備型號、傳輸速率、網際網路服務提供者)與季節屬性(需求波動、天候、落雷數)等三類。最後,依據分析結果與專家深度訪談,進而發展ADSL維修服務創新策略。


Reviewing the recent studies about the issue of service innovation, there are few studies based on a service failure perspective. According to the statistics of fourth season from Institute for Information Industry in 2011, population who surfed on the Internet often is 10.97 million. The rate of using wide band has reached to 79.77 percent, and one of the main usages is ADSL. This study adopts the method of case study. Chung-Hwa Telecom is selected as the case to explore the relationship between service failure types of ADSL repair and maintenance and failure factors based on a service failure perspective.We further develop service innovative strategies. Data sources are from five databases of failure, reports and repairs. 1,088 records are systematically sampled from 5,155 records stored in these databases. The records range from January to December in 2010 and cover 17 areas in Taiwan. The findings are: The service failure can be distinguished as six types and the factors causing service failure can be distinguished as three types: customer attribute (level of customer, area and density), facility attribute (types of equipment, speed of transmission and internet service provider) and season attribute (fluctuation of demand, condition of weather and amount of thunder). Finally, according to the results and in-depth interviews, we develop service innovative strategies of ADSL repair and maintenance service.
