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篇名 試圖潛入培瑞克〈「思考/分類」〉的錯綜網絡中
卷期 42:2=441
並列篇名 Exploring into the Networks of Intertwined Lines in Georges Perec’s Essay “‘Think/Classify’”
作者 許綺玲
頁次 101-136
關鍵字 培瑞克分類列單排序套層密藏字母卡爾維諾偶微偏Georges Perecclassificationlistingordermise en abymealphabetItalo CalvinoclinamenTHCI
出刊日期 201306


培瑞克(Georges Perec, 1936-1982)去世三年後出版的文集《思考/ 分類》(Penser/Classer, 1985),收錄的是他觀察、省思日常生活事物所寫 成的短篇散文。其中作為書名標題的文章是〈「思考 /分類」〉(“‘Penser/ Classer,’” 1982)。本文先從這篇散文的建構原則和內容切入,分析與「思 考/分類」既相輔又相悖的「列單法」,此一手法作為書寫風格存在已 久,在當代文學中重新蔚為風尚。培瑞克在這篇散文裡展演五花八門的 知識,藉博學、博物之展陳,除了在詞與物之間,關注文學書寫問題之 外,其實更帶有個人神話之建構/隨即消解/重構的非單純意圖。培瑞 克以低調甚至不著痕跡的方式進行,潛游在列單的缺口、脫軌遁逸;其 文本在冷靜的文字外表之下飄散著憂鬱的氛圍。綜言之,本論文將試圖 揭露培瑞克如何藉由這篇擬似客觀議論知識的散文,實則於文字間,記 /寄存個人之生命印記,與關鍵字母微素隱密地相互依存。


Georges Perec’s Think/Classify was published three years after his death in1982. It contains essays about his observation of daily life, and one of the texts, just as indicated by the title “‘Think/Classify,’” deals with a fundamental question about human culture: think and classify, which comes first? This article starts by presenting the structure and writing style of the essay, then study the listing related to thought vs. classification. In fact, listing is an old manner of writing, renewed fashionably by contemporary literature. In “‘Think/Classify,’” Perec exhibits much pedantry, while working on his writing style. But what he really does is to construct his own personal myth, then immediately destroy it just in order to rebuild it, and he does it almost silently without leaving evident traces, except a hint of the lack, a hole, an escape, or so called clinamen. That’s why the dominant mood in the essay is melancholy. So we try to discover how Perec takes this pseudo-scientific reflective essay as a pretext to notify as well as “save” his life mark, which has an inextricably close relationship with some alphabetical letters as keynotes of his autobiotext.
