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篇名 亞太地區航空公司的經濟規模探討–融合時間序列與橫剖面模式
卷期 1:2
並列篇名 A Study on the Economics of Scale for the Asia Pacific Airlines –Time Series Cross-Section Regression Model
作者 賴素鈴盧惠莉
頁次 023-042
關鍵字 經濟規模融合時間序列與橫剖面模式客運供給量貨運供給量航空資本投入Economics of ScaleTime Series Cross-Section Regression-TSCSASKFATKAirline investment Inputs
出刊日期 200709




The market in Asia Pacific Airline industry is getting more and more competitive. Whether the airline’s administrative strategy of keep expanding and pursuing higher market share will promote economics of scale is questionable. To assess whether the economics of scale do or do not exist in the Asia market, this research used three indicators: expenses, passenger supply and cargo supply as the measurements of Airlines’ investment inputs to examine their effect on operating revenues and profit. The effects from the growth of investment inputs are also inspected to evaluate the benefits of airlines’ expanding strategy. The Time Series Cross-Section Regression-TSCS results show that investment inputs have positive effects on revenues, but their growth does not. Furthermore, the investment inputs and their growth have no effects whatsoever on profits. This empirical evidence established that the airline’s administrative strategy of expansion do not generate the economics of scale.
