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篇名 私立大專院校永續發展之風險評估--以財務因子探討
卷期 1:2
並列篇名 cFrom Financial Perspectives to Assess Risk in Sustainable Development—a study on the Private Colleges and University
作者 陳雪如黃劭彥紀怡如王亭雅
頁次 043-065
關鍵字 私立大專院校永續經營Logit迴歸模型因素分析Private Colleges and UniversitySustainable DevelopmentLogit Regression ModelFactor Analysis
出刊日期 200709




Recently, the corruptions of private universities and colleges have attracted much concern from the public. This study tries to construct an early-warning model of the private university and college finance crisis. It use the current financial structure which is evaluated by using percentage analysis and relevant financial ratio analysis to find out the finance index sign to discriminate the low and high financial risk private school. In this research takes 92 academic years as basis, and selects by examinations 18 finance ratios as representative’s variables according to past cultural heritage, and then made use of Logit regression analysis to build the early-warning model of the private university and college finance crisis. This conclusion indicate that in frequency revenue dimension, asset dimension, short-term liquidity dimension, structure analysis and long-term liquidity dimension are significant influence the dependent variable.
