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篇名 顧客對銷售人員喜愛對品牌忠誠度影響:知覺信任與知覺專業之角色
卷期 1:2
並列篇名 The Effect of Customer’s Likability of Salesperson on Brand Royalty:The Role of perceived trust and perceived expertise
作者 周文玲
頁次 105-125
關鍵字 喜愛信任專業品牌忠誠度LikabilityTrustExpertiseBrand Royalty
出刊日期 200709




Brand royalty is an important issue in the competing marketing environment. Brand royalty always is the important asset of company. Especially for a product, how to maintain the value of brand, and to promote the brand, depends on customer’s brand loyalty. There is no any extant literature focus on the perspective of customer-salesperson relationship. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to provide a casual model to explain the effect of customer’s likability of salesperson on brand royalty. The results indicate that higher customer’s likability of salesperson will increase customer’s perceived trustworthiness and perceived expertise of the salesperson, which will in turn increase customer’s brand royalty.
