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篇名 探討國防主財人員對領導型態、組織文化、工作滿足與組織承諾關聯性之認知
卷期 1:2
並列篇名 Discussing the Association Cognition of the National Defense Finance Personnel on the Leadership Style, Organizational Culture, Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment
作者 陳富強方顯光劉世彥
頁次 067-086
關鍵字 領導型態組織文化工作滿足組織承諾Leadership StyleOrganizational CultureWork SatisfactionOrganizational Commitment
出刊日期 200709




This paper mainly discusses the association cognition of the National Defense financial personnel on the leadership style, organizational culture, job satisfaction and organizational commitment. This becomes the reference of enhancing the values of finance military and completing organizational goals in order to increase each unit’s work efficiency. Using questionnaires to gather data, we distributed 350 copies. After arranging them, 285 were left to undergo Structural Equation Model (SEM) analyzing each component’s alignment relations. The results manifested that the leadership style affects the organizational culture. Henceforth, using Schein’s belief that organizational culture and leadership are one body; organizational structure is formed from leadership, whilst the most important role of the leader is to manage organizational culture. Organizational culture also affects job satisfaction; at the same time, job satisfaction also affects organizational commitment. However, there is no manifested influence on the work satisfaction by the leadership style. The same goes for organizational culture not affecting organizational commitment. Still, the leadership style may use the organizational culture and work satisfaction to associate influence on organizational commitment.
