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篇名 廣告代言人類型與品牌評價關係之研究
卷期 2:2
並列篇名 The Effects of types of Advertisement Endorsers on Consumers’ Brand Evaluation
作者 周建亨陳津美陳怡君
頁次 013-038
關鍵字 廣告代言人品牌評價AdvertisementEndorsersBrand Evalustions
出刊日期 200809




Advertisement with endorsers is one of the most popular types of advertisement. The focal points of existing literature on advertisement with endorsers are how endorsers can persuade and influence potential customers, and potential customers’ evaluation of the effects of such type of advertisement. There is a lack of examing the effects of advertisement with endorsers on cus-tomers’ brand evaluation. This research examines the relationship between the types of endorsers (celebrity, experts, typical consumers) and consumers’ brand evaluation through a mail survey, using users of cell phones as participants. The research design is a 3 (types of endorsers)x 2 (high and low prices) x 2 (high and low brand awareness) x 2 (high and no price promotion) between group design. As a result, there are 24 sets of research context. The results show that the types of endorsers are cor-related with brand evaluation. Practical and theoretical implications of the results are discussed.
