
中外文學 THCI

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篇名 追憶特洛依:論《高文爵士與綠騎士》中特洛依框架的時代意義
卷期 34:12=408
並列篇名 Remembrance of Troy: Revisiting Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
作者 劉雅詩
頁次 011-036
關鍵字 《高文爵士與綠騎士》特洛依亞瑟王理查二世柴郡民族血緣大不列顛認同Sir Gawain and the Green KnightTroyKing ArthurRichard IICheshirekyndeBritishnessTHCI
出刊日期 200605


本文探討英國中古長詩《高文爵士與綠騎士》(Sir Gawain and the Green Knight)以特洛依(Troy)為全詩框架的時代意義。詩人以特洛依起源裡「背叛」(treachery)與「忠誠」(truth)的雙重主題來書寫亞瑟王(King Arthur)宮廷及高文爵士,藉此反映英王理查二世(Richard II)的宮廷文化。本文認為詩人藉特洛依框架來討論架構「大不列顛認同」(Britishness)的可能性,將亞瑟王宮廷視為英格蘭化後的大不列顛宮廷,波特拉克朝廷(Bertilak)為蘊藏豐富威爾斯文化能量、但受中央管轄的地方朝廷,綠教堂(Green Chapel)則為威爾斯文化與在地文化結合後的象徵,隨著高文爵士穿梭其間,詩人體現到要以「特洛依框架」來處理大不列顛認同、英格蘭意識(Englishness)、與威爾斯意識(Welshness)間族群認同的複雜關係,就如要亞瑟王宮廷來理解綠肩帶的真正意涵一般,是困難而不足的。


This essay examines the significance of the “Trojan frame” in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and its connotations in late fourteenth-century England. The poet explores the double motifs of treachery and truth in the Trojan myth, which are hidden in King Arthur’s court, and he employs Arthurian legend to reexamine Richard II’s court culture. By applying the “Trojan frame,” the poet considers the possibility of constructing an identity of Britishness. With Sir Gawain’s trips from King Arthur’s court to Bertilak’s castle and on to Green Chapel, the poet attempts to grapple with the complex ethnic relationships among Britishness, Englishness, and Welshness. I propose to view Arthur’s court, though originating from the Welsh tradition, as essentially a British court assimilated by English culture. Bertilak’s castle, as a British local court located near the region of Chester, not only richly accumulates Welsh cultural energy but also is regulated administratively by the English-assimilated court of Arthur. The Green Chapel symbolizes the intertwined powers of eruptive Welshness and the local culture in the wilderness. These three courts are closely related: they are not entirely different, nor are they exactly the same. Among these entangled relationships, the poet shows that the “Trojan frame” is an inadequate vehicle to solve the problems of group identity in the English society of his day.
