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篇名 和平文化經營理念與員工士氣之關係研究
卷期 9:2
並列篇名 The Research of Relationship Between the Managerial Philosophy of Peace Culture and Employee Morale
作者 顏輝德郭鈺涓
頁次 129-147
關鍵字 和平文化管理員工士氣異文化管理managerial philosophy of peace cultureemployee moralecross-cultural management
出刊日期 201509
DOI 10.3966/199553922015090902002




How much the “management philosophy of peace culture” is valued can affect the management and welfare systems of a company and in turn have an effect on employee morale. The objectives of this study are to understand the relationship between the degree to which the management concept of peace culture is valued and employee morale in American and Japanese multinational enterprises (MNE) and to examine the mediating effect of cross-culture management. The outcome of the study indicates that cross-culture management does have a mediating effect on the management concept of peace culture and employee morale. Empirical examinations reveal that the more highly an MNE values “management philosophy of peace culture”, while “third culture management” approaches are adopted, the better the management system and welfare system of its subsidiaries will be. In consequence, the employee morale, quality control and after-sale service will also improve.
