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篇名 顧客參與對服務人員服務努力影響之研究-以工作重要性為中介變數
卷期 9:2
並列篇名 A Study of the Relationship Between Customer Participation and Service Effort-Testing the Mediating Effect of Task Significance
作者 李淑貞
頁次 177-195
關鍵字 顧客參與服務努力工作重要性customer participationservice effortstask significance
出刊日期 201509
DOI 10.3966/199553922015090902004




In this study, the hair designer in Taiwan area were used as research population. In service delivery process, to measure the customer participation can improve the service’s efforts or not. Further empirical clarify intermediary effect of the significance of task between customer participation and service efforts. The results show that customer participation positive influence on the efforts of service people, but also as an intermediary variables through the task significance perceiveness affecting service efforts. The results of this study will help involving the issues of customer participate into management mechanism. Through the full understanding of the management path and the issue of customer participation was involving to the process of management, improve service efforts to construct future competitive advantage.
