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篇名 從人文看資訊之二:從資訊到史料
卷期 18
並列篇名 Humanities and Information (II): Information, Meaning, Understanding and Materials for Historical Studies
作者 謝清俊
頁次 003-015
關鍵字 資訊史料意義理解情境開放系統InformationHistory MaterialsMeaningUnderstandingContextOpen Systems
出刊日期 201506




This is a part of a series of essays designed for Humanities courses, not a research report. In this essay, two topics will be presented. Firstly, the relevancy between information and the materials for historical studies is discussed. Secondly, a comparative study of the structure of meaning and the ways of understanding both from the Humanities field and the Science field will be presented in more detail. And, this comparative study could be considered as a part of the comparative studies of the Humanities field and the Science field in general.
