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篇名 查希瑪庫與蘇格拉底關於正義的對話:《國家篇》的別一紀錄
卷期 18
並列篇名 Thrasymachos’ Dialogue with Socrates about Justice: Another Version as the Politeia
作者 孫善豪
頁次 017-033
關鍵字 正義個人/公眾,德性/統治關係蘇格拉底查希 瑪庫JusticeIndividual/PublicVirtue/Rule, SocratesThrasymachos
出刊日期 201506


查希瑪庫在這份文件中指出:1. 正義在不同的脈絡中,會 有不同的意義。這些脈絡主要可分為 (1) 個人;(2-1) 純粹的個 人之間與 (2-2) 公眾(政治)領域。在後(兩)者的脈絡下, 正義即服從,而被服從者即「被定義為」強者──無論他是否 在個人領域中為正義的人──,因此得出「正義即統治者利益」 之命題。2. 蘇格拉底在討論「正義是否可欲」時,除了「技藝 考慮對象的利益」之說舉例不完全、混淆個人正義與國家正義 外,還犯了「中詞不周延之謬誤」。


Thrasymachos stated in this simulative document that, 1. Justice should be discussed respectively according to different conditions, which consist mainly in (1) individual; (2-1) intersubjective relation between pure individuals and (2-2) public (political) sphere. In the latter case(s) justice is obedience, and accordingly the to-be-obedient is to be defined as the stronger, no matter he is or not individually considered as a just man. The justice is therefore nothing else than the advantage of the stronger. 2. In the discussion of “whether justice is desirable”, Socrates’ statement “art is beneficial to its object” is apparently one-sided, and, besides the confusion of individual with the state justice, his argument consists of a fallacy of “undistributed middle”.
