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篇名 真心或矯情?情緒勞務和創新行為之關係
卷期 25:3
並列篇名 Sincere or Insincere? Exploring the Relationship between Emotional Labor and Innovative Behavior
作者 侯勝宗樊學良連婉茜
頁次 067-099
關鍵字 情緒勞務創新行為競爭氛圍emotional laborinnovative behaviorcompetitive climateScopusTSSCI
出刊日期 201509
DOI 10.6226/NTUMR.2015.JUN.OB07


過往有關情緒勞務的研究顯示,情緒勞務會對員工之績效表現產生影響。雖然員工的創 新行為也是觀察員工績效表現的重要指標之一,情緒勞務是否會對員工的創新行為產生 影響,目前仍是一個尚待回答的研究議題。本研究目的即在回應此一文獻缺口。我們以 國內一家大型物流公司之268 位物流從業人員為研究對象(來自於61 個營業單位), 探討角色認同、情緒勞務(深層表演/真心、表面表演/矯情)和創新行為的關係,以 及團隊競爭氛圍的調節效果。研究發現,兩類情緒勞務影響創新行為的方式不同。員工 對工作中自我角色的認同越高,越會在工作中表現深層勞務,並因此展現較佳的創新行 為。另一方面,表面表演和創新行為無關,不過在高競爭氛圍組織中工作的成員,其表 面表演與創新行為的正向影響,反而會高於在低競爭氛圍下工作的成員。


Previous researches on emotional labor have shown that the display of required emotions has an effect on the performances of the employees. How individual employees respond to customers and adjust their emotions accordingly can be considered a demonstration of innovative behavior. However, there exists limited prior literature examining how emotional labor influences an employee’s innovative behavior. Collecting cross-level data from male truck drivers employed by a large transportation company in Taiwan, this study tested the relationships among role identification, emotional labor (surface acting and deep acting), innovative behavior, and the cross-level moderation effects of competitive team climate. The results revealed different mechanisms through which emotional labor influences innovative behavior. Employees with high role identification are likely to engage in deep acting, and consequently emerge higher on scores of innovative behavior. Furthermore, a competitive team climate strengthens the relationship between surface acting and innovative behavior.
