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Ever since 1891 when Pope Leo XIII wrote an encyclical in response to the social problems, notably the problem of labor, brought about after the industrial revolution in Europe, the Catholic Church began to shape its social doctrine and teaching on labor. This paper presents the two main currents of thought about labor in Europe and America: the individualism of liberal economics and the communitarianism of socialism, and their continual strife. Work, however, ought to be a sphere in which the value of the human being can be highlighted. Over the past hundred years Catholic teaching on this subject has been outlined in five encyclicals, which, on the one hand, apply the tradition of the faith to the issue of work, and, on the other, develop a unique theory that is distinct from both the above. The Catholic theory of labor is based on Christian anthropology and respect for the human person. The five encyclicals share a common discourse and yet also show development. Pope John Paul II’s Laborem exercens is particularly striking for its new understanding of work, which distinguishes between a subjective and an objective sense, and prioritizes the former over the latter and prioritizes labor over capital. In distinguishing between the right to property and the right to its use, the encyclical stresses the responsibility of the government to meet the basic needs of the common good and respect for the human person. The Catholic theory of labor confirms the ideas of work held by the two main schools of thought but contributes a broader and more far-reaching vision of labor.
