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篇名 靈性讓人自由嗎? ——探索大學生靈性及憂鬱之關係
卷期 41:1=476
並列篇名 Does Spirituality Make Person Free? Exploration between Spirituality and Depression among College Students in Taiwan
作者 陳美琴
頁次 039-060
關鍵字 靈性健康憂鬱信仰大學生Spiritual HealthDepressionFaithCollege StudentsA&HCI
出刊日期 201401


世界衛生組織(World Health Organization, WHO)曾在2001年時預測憂鬱是二十一世紀的重要疾病。這是一個受憂鬱束縛的世代嗎?是否也顯示出對心理衛生的重視?對憂鬱低迷現象要有些什麼因應對策?基督宗教又能提供什麼? 臺灣生活品質雖有所提高,但是,世紀疾病憂鬱症也悄悄的感染臺灣。每天的電視新聞報導或是報紙總是會有自殺的新聞。不只是自己單獨自殺,甚至攜家帶眷全家人自殺。有些人因為積欠巨額債款或卡債而自殺,但也有有錢有名的人也自殺。這些現象充份顯示對物質與現況的不滿,對生命無意義與無奈的表達。 長久以來,臺灣的教育忽略了身心靈整全的人性觀。除了生理與心理之外,靈性生命亦是人存在本質,但它卻最常被忽略。本研究旨在探索臺灣大學生的憂鬱情況、靈性健康的相關性。研究方法:本研究的對象以大學生為主,採方便取樣方式收集問卷。共發出677份問卷,回收640份問卷,回收率達94.3%。年齡介於18至33歲之間。 研究工具計有:貝克憂鬱量表(Beck Depression Inventory; BDI);靈性評估量表(Spirituality Assessment Scale, SAS)及學生基本資料。研究結果與討論:將近68%的學生無憂鬱傾向,約有17%的學生呈現輕度憂鬱現象,15%的學生屬中重度憂鬱。整體而言,大學生的靈性健康屬積極正向。值得注意的是約三成學生有憂鬱現象,反映了校園學生的壓力與情緒狀態。憂鬱的學生,相對的,其靈性健康傾向較低。有宗教信仰學生的靈性健康顯著高於無宗教信仰的學生,擴大高層靈性意識與正信宗教信仰可以是因應憂鬱的方法。


In Taiwan, the economy has improved, but cases of depression are also rising. Newspapers, TV or internet news constantly report about suicide, depression, or other similar depressive news every day. This phenomenon shows that people have lack of satisfaction in life. Education in Taiwan has long been emphasizing the development of memory, skills, etc. As a result of this emphasis, the education in Taiwan puts more importance in the development of body and mind, but lacking in the education of spirituality; or the integration of body, mind and spirit. No wonder people have depression because of the lack of ultimate concerns, values, and spiritual values. The objective of this research was to investigate the spiritual health and depression among college students in Taiwan. This research instruments were: Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II); Spirituality Assessment Scale (SAS). A sample of 640 Taiwanese College students responded. 68% of students are not depressed and about 17% of students tend to be slightly depressed. 15% of students tend to be moderate and seriously depressed. In general, the spiritual health of students is positive. About 30% of students tend to be emotionally low. It indicates the stressful life style among students. The better spiritual health could reduce stress and negative emotions of the students. The students with religious faith have better spiritual health than those students have no religious faith. Development of faith and spirituality could be a coping mechanism of depression.
