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篇名 末期膀胱癌患者腸阻塞之中西會診病例報告
卷期 17:3
並列篇名 A Terminal Stage of Bladder Cancer Case Complicated Large Bowel Obstruction Treated with Integrated Medicine
作者 鄒曉玲游榮聖
頁次 025-034
關鍵字 膀胱癌熱結旁流大承氣湯Bladder CancerHeat Accumulation with Watery DischargeDa- Cheng-Qi Decoction
出刊日期 201509


一名91 歲男性末期膀胱癌患者因胃造口溢出物帶血入院,同時併發肺炎與泌尿道感 染,住院期間腹瀉稀水一日多行經多種止瀉藥物治療近一個月仍未改善,故會診中醫治 療。經辨證以陽明燥屎內結、腑氣不通、熱結旁流為標實證,氣血不足為本虛證,故以 大承氣湯瀉下燥實、急下存陰為主要處方,輔以益氣運脾理氣藥物,會診五次共服藥十 天後症狀獲得明顯改善而出院。


A 91 years old patient was diagnosed with end stage bladder cancer. He was sent to the hospital because of vomiting with blood from the gastrostomy. At the same time he also had pneumonia and urinary tract infection. During hospitalization, he had watery diarrhea several times a day for nearly one month, even if treated with many kinds of antidiarrheal medicines. So they decided to consult with Chinese medicine doctor to treat this case. The patient’s symptoms of diarrhea were large intestinal dryness accumulation, bowel qi stagnating, and heat accumulation with watery discharge. But qi and blood deficiency was the main cause of the patient’s condition. Hence, we prescribed Major Laxative Decoction to drastically purgate the hardness stool, thus saving the yin; assistant with medicines to supplement qi, we were able to fortify the spleen and regulate the qi to treat the root. After ten days, the diarrhea symptom had been notably improved and the patient were discharged from the hospital. Key words:Bladder Cancer, Heat Accumulation with Watery Discharge, Da- Cheng-Qi Decoction (Major Laxative Decoction).
