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篇名 The Development of Multiculturalism and the Role of ASEAN-Korea Center to Improve Multiculturalism in Contemporary Korea: Focused on the Socio-Cultural Exchange and Cooperation between ASEAN and Korea
卷期 42:5=492
並列篇名 為亞洲和韓國之間的合作與社會文化變化來改善韓國多文化主義的韓國——東盟中心功能與多文化主義發展
作者 Suk Joon Hong
頁次 089-108
關鍵字 MulticulturalismMulticultural SocietyASEANSoutheast AsiaASEAN-Korea Center多文化主義多文化社會東南亞國家聯盟東南亞韓國─東盟中心A&HCI
出刊日期 201505


最近,韓國社會中探討的有關「多元文化社會(multicultural society)」或有關「多元文化主義(multiculturalism)」的談論,均有啟蒙和誘導文化朝著同化的方向展開和進展的傾向。從這一點來看,韓國的「多元文化主義」相對文化共存,更加強調文化的相互矛盾和同化,甚至可以說是助長了壓抑文化共存的風氣。對「多元文化社會」和「多元文化主義」的探討,在現如今文化日漸發展的韓國社會,已到了需要將理解和認識進行轉換的時候。這也是不可否認、不言而喻的事實。就該觀點來看,受限於標榜多元文化主義的東亞社會文化脈絡,韓國的韓國─東南亞社會文化交流的方向和戰略均受到了限制。然而在現代韓國社會文化的脈絡中,多元文化主義在韓國─東盟關係中實質上已被「想像」和「交流」,在「合作」的過程中「實踐」的態勢和意義只能表現得豐富多樣。多元文化主義在現代韓國社會中被引進、紮根並實現多元文化社會的發展。對於韓國─東盟社會文化交流和合作來說,其歷史性背景是什麼?意義又是什麼呢?尤其是,在展開韓國多元文化主義的過程中,韓國─東盟社會文化交流和合作的進程如何?其過程中韓國─東盟中心(ASEAN Korea Center)起到了何種作用?更進一步,增強和深化韓國─東盟的作用對謀求和實踐韓國─東盟社會文化交流的合作方案,將如何發揮其作用?對此,韓國的戰略是什麼?今後的方向又將如何變換?它所蘊含的對加強韓國─東盟社會文化交流和合作,又將發揮何種功能和作用呢?這裡,韓國─東盟關係在社會文化脈絡中該如何被理解?對正確樹立今後韓國─東盟社會文化交流和合作的方向具有何種意義?韓國為發展兩者之間的社會文化交流和合作的戰略又是什麼?為付諸實踐而具體需要何種方案?在回答這些問題時均從人類學觀點進行了思考。為此,就韓國─東盟社會文化交流的實質性方案中的一個事例,提出並淺析韓國─東盟中心的作用,從實踐性層面上深入探討在實現韓國─東盟社會文化交流和合作時的戰略特點及意義。


The discourses on “multicultural society” or “multiculturalism” in contemporary Korea tend to show that they are quite enlightening and advanced in the direction of inducing cultural assimilation. In this regard, it can be said that the discourses on “multiculturalism” in Korea enforce cultural conflict and cultural assimilation, and even contribute to make the oppressive atmosphere rather than the various cultural coexistence. In this sense, I will try to examine discourses on multiculturalism in contemporary Korea in this paper. I consider the discourses on multiculturalism in Korea currently progressing into multiculturalism discourses through some concrete examples with special reference to the development of multiculturalism and the role of the ASEAN-Korea Center. I will focus on the formation and transformation of the discourses on multiculturalism in contemporary Korea. This paper attempts to critically examine the discourses on “multiculturalism” or “multicultural society” in contemporary Korea, for building a cultural paradigm of exchange and cooperation between ASEAN and Korea through the discourses on “multiculturalism” in contemporary Korea. For this, I will examine the discourses on “multiculturalism” or “multicultural society” in contemporary Korea critically with special reference to the role of ASEAN-Korea Center to improve the socio-cultural exchange and cooperation between ASEAN and Korea. This is a part of academic inquiry for establishing a theoretical and methodological analysis framework of “multiculturalism” in contemporary Korea through a critical introspection to the discourses on “multiculturalism” in contemporary Korea. In conclusion, this attempt to examine the discourses on multiculturalism or multicultural society in contemporary Korea with special reference to the role of ASEAN-Korea Center to improve the socio-cultural exchange and cooperation between ASEAN and Korea is very important to understand the current situation of multiculturalism. It has related to the cultural characteristics and meanings of production and reproduction and consumption of discourses on “multiculturalism” or “multicultural society” in Korea. For this, I will consider how the processes of cultural collision and unification between ASEAN and Korea occur, as well as what cultural elements are accepted or excluded in the process of the formation and transformation of the discourses on “multiculturalism” and “multicultural society”, and what the cultural characteristics and meanings are in contemporary Korea.
