
產業與管理論壇 TSSCI

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篇名 二次創新-從中國製造到中國創造的必經之路?
卷期 10:1
並列篇名 The Essential Path from Made in China to Innovated in China?
作者 吳曉波章威
頁次 022-037
關鍵字 二次創新後發企業技術追趕secondary innovationlate-comer firmstechnology catch-upTSSCI
出刊日期 200803


由於普遍起步較晚,基礎薄弱,中國 企業往往以曰、韓為榜樣,將學習借鑒外 來技術做為提升自主創新能力的主要途 徑。然而,為何衆多中國企業花費大量精 力引進了外來技術,卻又一再落入「落後 一引進一落後一再引進」的追趕陷阱?與 此同時,海爾、中興通訊等_批同樣從引 進外來技術起步的企業又是如何最終脫穎 而出,成為國際知名企業?中國企業的創 新之路究竟何在?從模仿到創新之間的鴻 溝究竟如何跨越?本文將試圖破解關於模 仿與創新的迷思,解析在技術引進基礎上 透過二次創新,特別是在各個發展階段開 展不同模式的技術學習,最終寅現自主創 新的演進過程,並總結實現技術追趕的關 鍵成功因素,以期為其他後發企業提供啓示


As latecomers with weak infrastructure, Chinese firms usually take example by Japanese and Korean firms and regard learning external technologies as a main approach to upgrade indigenous innovative capability. But why do numerous Chinese firms fell into the catching-up trap viz. ^laggard - import - laggard - re-import,> over and over again while spending a great lot on importing external technologies? How have some other firms such as Haier, ZTE which also started at importing technologies succeeded in becoming world well-known firms? What is the approach for Chinese firms to be innovative? How to span the gorge between imitation and innovation? This paper tries to correct the misunderstanding about imitation and innovation, represent the evolutionary process from technology import to indigenous innovation via secondary innovation, particularly the employment of varied modes of technological learning in different stages, and finally formulate the key success factors of technological catching-up to provide implications for other latecomers.
