
產業與管理論壇 TSSCI

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篇名 產業觀點下的服務創新方法論雛型
卷期 10:1
並列篇名 Toward an Methodology for Service Innovation: The Industrial-oriented Perspective
作者 郭建良
頁次 038-056
關鍵字 服務創新方法論serviceinnovationmethodologyTSSCI
出刊日期 200803


服務經濟的盛行,帶動了服務創新的 槪念;而政府致力投入科技化服務業的發 展,更使服務創新成為衆所_@的焦點; 只是,園於研究觀點多元、涵蓋範圍廣泛 等特性,迄目前為止,尚末見到以產業層 次與實務觀點為核心的服務創新研究架構 與方法論。所以,本文以近2年執行經濟 部技術處委託「科技化加値服務業創新模 式研究」計畫的經驗為基,提出建議觀點 與作法。 在本文中,我們先以過去執行「觀光 及運動休閒」的寅例,說明如何從產業層 面切入服務創新的規劃與設計,並藉此彙 集趨勢、客群、科技與服務提供等課題, 讓讀者先有槪括性的嘹解。接著,依據執 行專案經驗的歸納結果,本文提出在產業 觀點下、鎖定前端服務規劃與設計議題的 服務創新方法論雛型;同時,本文亦仿效 Kettinger等學者的作法,提出服務創新研究 的16個活動/步驟,以及27個可茲使用的 研究工具/方法曁其使用時機。 最後,依據專案執行經鹼,本文提出 如何從需求面與供給面兩個不同視角出 發、應用所提架構的建議;至於未來努力 方向,則於文章最末予以說明。


Thanks for the widespread concept of service economy, service innovation has become an emerging topic both in academy and the practice. The issue of service innovation is becoming much more important, especially for Taiwan^ government which emphasizes on developing technology-enabled services in recent years. However, owing to the nature of service innovation research, it is difficult for the management to find a reference model on the industrial level with a practical viewpoint. This paper proposes a reference framework, aiming to cope with this challenge. In particular, we introduce a prototyping framework for service innovation development with its emphasis on the design and plan stage. Our experiences on executing the project, called t4The development of technology- enabled innovative service business models?, sponsored by DOIT, MOEA, is taken as the major input for model generalization. To introduce the general concept to the readers, this article first illustrates how a real case in the tourism sector was taken. This article then proposes the 6-stage framework for service innovation. By applying Kettinger et al/s approach, this article further identifies 16 key activities of the framework, and the 27 research methods/ techniques worth applied for the activities. Further hints for using this framework are discussed and highlighted in this article as well. Finally, the article remarks the limitations and future directions for the current work.
