
產業與管理論壇 TSSCI

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篇名 檢視台灣太陽光電產業競爭力
卷期 10:1
並列篇名 Assessing the Competitiveness of the Photovoltaic Industry in Taiwan
作者 康志堅
頁次 058-071
關鍵字 產業競爭力產業鏈太陽光電Industry CompetitivenessIndustry Supply ChainPhotovoltaic IndustryTSSCI
出刊日期 200803


太陽光電產業在全球氣候暖化曰益嚴 重、石化能源價格高漲等原因的驅動下, 各國政府均相當重視此產業。然而,現階 段因市場供需失調造成產品價格上漲,使 已投入市場之廠商獲利豐厚,致吸引衆多 廠商競相投入,且由於大衆媒體競相報導 太陽光電產業廠商的高股價與未來遠景的 推波助瀾之下,形成對產業一片看好的情 景。然而,在高股價的炫麗光環下,隱藏 了許多暗潮,仔細檢視未來發展,仍存在 許多變數。 本文剖析全球與台灣太陽光電產業現 況、領導廠商布局策略、台灣太陽光電產 業發展現況,並分析台灣太陽光電產業在 全球市場的競爭力,藉以提出對末來發展 的策略建議。


The impact of global warming and skyrocketing fossil fuel prices has made government laid heavy emphasis on the development of the photovoltaic industry. Currently, unbalance of demand and supply causes rising product prices and generating significant profits for firms in the photovoltaic industry. This has attracted more and more companies to enter this industry. Firms5 entry to this industry is also encouraged by the potentially high market size frequently reported by mass media and higher stock market prices of the incumbents. Therefore, the future perspective of the in-dustry seems to be very promising. However, there still exist uncertainties when we take a close look at the development of the photovoltaic industry. The article provides an overview of the photovoltaic industry, including government policies and leading firms5 strategies at a global level as well as in Taiwan. Suggestions to the government for further development of the photovoltaic industry and firms in Taiwan for enhancing their competitiveness are also offered.
