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篇名 以電影輔助英文小說閱讀-探討學生的觀點與策略運用
卷期 18
並列篇名 Using film as an aid to novel-reading: Perceptions and strategy use of students
作者 蔡智欣陳靖雯
頁次 137-170
關鍵字 電影輔助小說閱讀閱讀教學filmaidnovel-readingstrategy use
出刊日期 201507




The study explored students’ experiences and perceptions of using film as an aid to novel-reading. It aimed to provide strategic guides and reference for teachers who teach English reading as well as learners who attempt to read English novels. The study involved college students who had used novels with film adaptations in English reading classes. It adopted survey as the primary method to collect data and interviews to further understand students’ viewpoints and experiences. The results indicate that (a) Students enjoy using film as a learning medium but they need guidance from the teacher, (b) Students recognize the positive effects of using film as an aid to novel, but content differences between the two should be made aware, and (c) Differences exist in the strategy use between English majors and non-English majors; thus the teaching of novel and film is advised to take students’ levels and needs into account.
