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篇名 Effectiveness of Warm-Keeping on Cold and Anxiety of Patients in Waiting for a Surgery
卷期 13:3
並列篇名 保暖對等候手術病人冷及焦慮感受之改善成效
作者 林雅慧闕可欣鄭如玉
頁次 133-144
關鍵字 保暖冷感受焦慮手術Keep-warmingCold feelingAnxietySurgery
出刊日期 201509
DOI 10.3966/181020932015091303002


背景與目的:手術等候區的病人降低冷和減輕焦慮的感覺,對手術室的護理人員來 說是一項重要的課題,術前給予病人保暖,不僅能控制病人的體溫,也能讓增加舒適感。 因此,本研究探討對手術等候區感覺冷和焦慮的病人使用保暖外套的成效和影響。方法: 本研究為類實驗研究,將60 位病人分成兩大組,30 人為實驗組(並給予他們保暖外套), 另外30 人為對照組(使用一般的保暖方法)。收集病人前測、使用介入措施5 分鐘、10 分鐘後的冷感覺及焦慮程度,我們用廣義估計方程式(GEE)分析資料的變化。結果:比 較實驗組及對照組,使用外套保暖措施的組別,在措施介入五分鐘後冷的感覺有顯著的下 降(p<.001),焦慮程度也顯著減少(p=.002)。結論:使用改良式保暖措施介入措施, 能在5 分鐘內降低手術等候區病人冷和焦慮的感覺。本研究期許能提供臨床護理人員一個 對病人有效保暖措施的參考依據,並降低手術等候區病人冷和焦慮感受。


Aims and objectives: This study aims to explore the influence of using warming coats on patients’ feelings of cold and anxiety in the waiting area of a surgery ward. Background: Alleviating feelings of cold and anxiety in patients in waiting areas of surgery wards is a very important issue in nursing. Prior to a surgery, keeping warm can not only control patients’ body temperatures, but also make them more comfortable. Therefore, patients’ temperature control is an important task for surgery teams. Design: This study is a quasi-experiment study. Methods: This study of 60 patients divided into two groups: 30 people in the experimental group (given a heated coat) and 30 in the control group (using the regular method). After collecting the data of the varying degrees of patients’ feelings cold and anxiety from the pre-test, five minutes after intervention and ten minutes after intervention, we analyze the differences based on the Generalized Estimating Equation (GEE). Results: Compared with the control groups, decreases in cold feeling (p<.001) and anxiety (p=.002) were clearly observed in the experimental group in the waiting area at 5 minutes after intervention. Conclusions: The patients’ cold feeling and anxiety were reduced at 5 minutes when the patients were provided with a warm-keeping method in the waiting area of a surgery ward. Relevance to clinical practice: Based on results showing reduced degrees of cold feeling and anxiety in patients, this study shows that it would be beneficial to provide nursing staffs with warming facilities to give to patients.
