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篇名 粉塵爆炸事件之緊急醫療徐理問題探討
卷期 19:5
並列篇名 The Ethical Issues of Medical Emergency in the Color Dust Explosion Events
作者 蘇騰葳周大為方震中蔡甫昌
頁次 508-516
關鍵字 粉塵爆炸事件大量燒燙傷事件大量傷患事件公共緊急醫療事件mass casualty incidents with multiple burn victimsmultiple casualty incidentpublic health emergencyTSCI
出刊日期 201509
DOI 10.6320/FJM.2015.19(5).09


本文探討我國於2015年六月所發生之粉塵爆炸事件所涉及之緊急醫療倫理問題,包括「大量燒燙 傷事件」及「大量傷患事件」之相關議題、嚴重燒傷患者治療處置之倫理議題、特殊專科醫院是否該主 動加入急救、政府提供資金負擔此次傷患醫療費用的公平正義問題、醫療排擠效應問題、醫療人員之過 勞與補償、燒燙傷患者之長期照護。本文期望透過對此次公共緊急醫療事件所涉及之相關醫學倫理問題, 提出分析與反省,期能累積本事件醫界與社會所學習到之經驗,向政府及相關單位提出建言,並提升曰 後醫療人員對相關倫理問題之敏感度、認知以及分析解決能力。


This paper investigates the ethical issues of medical emergency arising from the color dust explosion events in Taiwan in June 2015.We include the ethical issues in “Mass casualty incidents with multiple burn victims” and “Multiple casualty incident”, management of severely burned patients, should specialist hospital voluntarily assist this emergency event, fairness in providing governmental total support, competition of medical resources, overwork and compensation for medical staffs, and long term care for burn patients. It is hoped that through our ethical analysis and reflection, the experience and lessons learned from this event can become a practical recommendation for the government, and help health care professionals to foster their sensitivity, knowledge and analytical skill in resolving relevant ethical dilemmas in the future.
