
體育學報 TSSCI

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篇名 核心訓練搭配阻力訓練對大專甲組女子網球選手技能表現之影響
卷期 48:3
並列篇名 The effects of core exercise combined with resistance exercise training on tennis skill performance in elite college female tennis players
作者 趙曉雯趙曉涵王鶴森周峻忠
頁次 239-250
關鍵字 底線擊球截擊發球移動能力國際網球技術等級測驗groundstrokevolleyservemobilityInternational Tennis NumberTSSCI
出刊日期 201509
DOI 10.3966/102472972015094803002


緒論:先前的研究資料已證實,核心訓練對網球選手在肌群共同收縮的速度、腰椎 的穩定與上下肢爆發力方面,皆有著正向效果,甚至在網球運動技能方面,也具有著穩 定和支持身體姿勢的效果,而阻力訓練對肌肉功能表現的效果則是無庸置疑。因此核心 訓練與阻力訓練皆是當前網球選手平時的訓練重點,然而透過核心訓練搭配阻力訓練對 網球技能表現的影響為何,目前仍是未知。本研究目的為探討6 週核心訓練搭配阻力訓 練對大專甲組女子網球選手在網球技能表現之影響。方法:招募23 名大專女子網球選手 (年齡:22.4 ± 2.4 歲;身高:166.8 ± 4.7 公分;體重:57.5 ± 5.6 公斤;國際網球技術 等級測驗 [International Tennis Number, ITN] 級數:6.0 ± 0.7 級) 為受試者,隨機分為8 名核心訓練組 (core exercise, C)、8 名核心訓練搭配阻力訓練組 (core exercise with resistance exercise, CR) 與7 名控制組 (control, CON)。三組皆進行常規的網球訓練,但 C 及 CR 組 包含額外的核心與阻力訓練,頻率為每週3 次,每次訓練約90 分鐘。各組於六週訓練前、 後皆進行 ITN 測驗。結果:CR 組在底線擊球深度、底線擊球準確性、截擊深度、發球準 確性及移動能力的後測結果皆顯著優於前測 (p < .05);另外,CR 組在ITN 級數與總得分 的提升幅度均優於C 組與CON 組 (C 組進步10.2%,CR 組進步32.3%,CON 組進步7.0%, p < .05)。結論:大專甲組女子網球選手在6 週核心訓練搭配阻力訓練的訓練模式下,能顯 著提升網球技能表現。


Introduction: Many studies demonstrated that the core training could enhance muscle contraction speed, lumbar stability, limb power as well as body stability, which was similar to what resistance exercise training could benefit on tennis skills. However, it was unknown whether the long term core exercise combined with resistance exercise training might result in enhanced tennis skill performance. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of six-week core exercise combined with resistance exercise training on tennis skill performance in elite college female tennis players. Methods: Twenty-three college female tennis players (age: 22.4 ± 2.4yrs, height: 166.8 ± 4.7cm, weight: 57.5 ± 5.6kg, International Tennis Number [ITN]: 6.0 ± 0.7) were assigned into either core exercise training group (C, N=8), core exercise with resistance exercise training group (CR, N=8), or control group (CON, N=7). The regular tennis training was carried out in three groups with additional core exercise or resistance exercise (90 minutes/session, 3 session/week) performed in C or CR group. ITN test including groundstroke depth, groundstroke accuracy, volley depth, serve and mobility were performed pre and post training. Results: The groundstroke depth, groundstroke accuracy, volley depth, serve and mobility were significantly improved post training in CR group (p < .05). The rate of progress of ITN level was greater in CR group than that in C and CON groups (C: 10.2%, CR: 32.3%, CON: 7.0%, p < .05). Conclusion: Six weeks of core exercise combined with resistance exercise training could significantly enhance tennis skill performance in elite college female tennis players.
