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篇名 競技運動中的因應資源如何降低運動員倦怠:生活壓力的中介效應
卷期 48:3
並列篇名 How coping resource reduces athletes’ burnout in sport settings: The mediating role of life stress
作者 王亭文李偉萍盧俊宏
頁次 251-264
關鍵字 social supportstudent-athletesovertraining社會支持學生運動員過度訓練TSSCI
出刊日期 201509
DOI 10.3966/102472972015094803003


緒論:在運動領域中,競技倦怠 (athletic burnout) 的議題受到許多運動相關人員的 關注,特別是對於學生運動員來說,當他們同時要應付課業及訓練上的需求時,經常因 為因應資源的不足,而產生壓力進而造成倦怠。運動員尋求社會支持已被公認為是一種 面對競爭壓力 (Crocker, 1992) 或表現低潮時的一種因應策略 (Madden, Kirkby, & McDonald, 1989),當運動員面臨壓力時,重要他人所提供的社會支持可以減緩或消除壓 力所帶來的負面影響;然而,過去研究鮮少去解釋社會支持對倦怠影響的機制,因此, 本研究主要目的在於瞭解社會支持是否會透過運動員的生活壓力而對他們的倦怠產生影 響。方法:本研究參與者為244 位代表六種不同項目 (網球、跆拳道、田徑、射箭、籃球 及棒球) 的大專甲組學生運動員,女生74 人,男生170 人 (M = 19.98,SD = 1.37)。所有 參與者在自願參與下填寫學生運動員社會支持量表、大專學生運動員生活壓力量表、以 及運動員倦怠問卷。初步的資料分析以SPSS 18.0 進行;而主要的資料分析以 Mplus 7.0 統計軟體中的結構方程模式進行中介的檢驗。結果:(一) 所有形式的社會支持負向預測 運動生活壓力及倦怠;(二) 一般與運動生活壓力正向的預測倦怠;(三) 一般生活壓力在 所有社會支持與倦怠的關係中,沒有顯著的中介效果;(四) 運動生活壓力在所有社會支 持與倦怠的關係中,呈現顯著的完全中介效果。結論:不論教練、訓練員或競技運動相 關人員,若要減緩運動員倦怠情形,須瞭解造成運動員倦怠的壓力形態,在瞭解何種壓 力形態時給予適當的社會支持,方能發揮最佳效果。


Introduction: In the sporting context, athletic burnout is an imperative issue concerned by many researchers and sport-related personnel. Notably, college student-athletes are a unique population that requires special attention as they might experience stress and develop burnout if they do not have the coping resources to deal with both academic and sport demands. It has been generally accepted that seeking social support is a form of coping strategy when athletes are faced with competitive pressure (Crocker, 1992) or in a poor performance phase (Madden, Kirkby, & McDonald, 1989). When athletes are stressed, the social support provided by athletes’ significant others can reduce or lower the negative effects of stress, however limited studies examined the mechanism of how social support influences athlete burnout. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine whether social support have life stress-mediated influences on athletes’ burnout. Methods: A total of 244 (74 females, 170 males) Division A college student-athletes representing six different sports (tennis, taekwondo, track and field, archery, basketball, baseball) were recruited (Mage = 19.98, SD = 1.37). All participants voluntarily completed the Student-Athletes Social Support Scale, College Student-Athletes Life Stress Scale (CSALSS), and Athletes Burnout Questionnaire (ABQ). Preliminary analyses were conducted using SPSS 18.0 and mediation analyses were conducted using Mplus 7.0 statistical software with structural equation modeling. Results: (a) All types of social support negatively predicted sport life stress and burnout; (b) Daily and sport life stress positively predicted burnout; (c) Daily life stress did not have mediating influence on the relationship between any types of social support and burnout; (d) Sport life stress fully mediated the relationship between all types of social support and burnout. Conclusion: In order to effectively prevent athletes from burning out, coaches, trainers, or related competitive sport personnel should understand the type of stressors that causes athletes’ burnout before providing athletes with the appropriate social support required.
