
體育學報 TSSCI

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篇名 「光榮犧牲」的省思:1939年嘉義高女水難事件之議論
卷期 48:3
並列篇名 Reflection of “Glorious sacrifice”: The discussion of Chia-Yi Girls' High School drowned event in 1939
作者 陳羿戎林玫君
頁次 323-344
關鍵字 臨海教育海水浴場游泳戰爭時期身體活動seaside educationlidoswimmingwartimephysical activityTSSCI
出刊日期 201509
DOI 10.3966/102472972015094803007




On the basis of historical research methodology, this article revolves around the retrospect of Chia-Yi Girls' High School (CYGHS), collecting, analyzing and proving the swimming activities of the girls' high school. Furthermore, the research studies the students’ drowned event in 1939 and discusses the implicit historical issues during late Japanese colonial period. Consequently, the swimming education with multiple external purposes which was subject to the national policy didn’t take skill into the first consideration but was unique. The cause of 13 students’ drowned event was related to the environmental factors and human error. Teachers needed to shoulder the responsibilities of involuntary manslaughter. The drowned event was interpreted “glorious sacrifice” in a minority, because female physical activity gradually turned to support on the battlefield rear under the fluctuant atmosphere of wartime, Causing the drowned event and wars to intersect at aesthetic by artificiality. Finally, accompanying the war factors and regime change, seaside education has been history.
