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篇名 田口損失函數與層級分析法應用於學校午餐供應商評選模式
卷期 11:2
並列篇名 A Lunch Caterer Evaluation Model Based on the Taguchi Loss Function and Analytical Hierarchy Process
作者 余豐榮廖奕雯
頁次 017-024
關鍵字 評估模式午餐供應商田口損失函數層級分析法Evaluation modelschool lunch catererTaguchi loss functionnalytical hierarchy process
出刊日期 201509




In addition to providing nutrition for students, school lunches also provide a healthy and hygienic eating environment. This study developed evaluation and selection model for school lunch suppliers. First, 5 evaluation dimensions were constructed after reviewing the literature. Second, 17 subcriteria ere developed to extend the 5 evaluation dimensions. An analytical hierarchy process (AHP) was adopted to assign a relative weight to each criterion and subcriterion to establish a hierarchy. Subsequently, the quality loss of each alternative alternative and the weights of the dimensions and subcriteria were combined into a total quality loss index. Subsequently, each supplier was prioritized according to their index rank. The ranking protocol developed in this study can be used as a reference to assist schools in selecting qualified caterers. An example is provided to demonstrate the applicability of the proposed model.
